Free Receipt OCR

Available for iOS, Android, and web.
Start extracting valuable data from physical and email receipts.

How it works

We'll cover your OCR costs by monetizing aggregate, de-identified data from your receipts.

Upload receipts; retrieve results. Under the covers it's AWS Textract with a simple client-friendly API.
100% free to use
You can also monetize the results
Managed infrastructure, no backend

Add SKU-level data to your product

Receipt Scan

Turn users’ paper receipts into rich, structured data, ready for analysis and integration. Powered by AWS' optical character recognition (OCR) software, Textract.

Link Email

Automatically crawl through a linked inbox enhancing your data's depth and accuracy. Privacy-first, receipts are only extracted client-side from known receipt senders.

Client-side Friendly

We handle managing the infrastructure (and billing) for you. Just POST a receipt from your application and GET a result.


Use our native iOS and Android libraries or the simple REST API to add receipt OCR to any application.


No cumbersome UI, only OCR. Focus on creating a killer feature, not data processing and infrastructure.

Results in Seconds

No black box data manipulation. Just the raw OCR results in a simple JSON payload. Consume results from your frontend or backend.

Simple pricing

Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.

Free OCR

Utilize free OCR powered by Amazon Textract.

(You read that correctly)

Take advantage of free OCR in exchange for licensing monetizing rights of deidentified data.

Do OCR yourself, integrate with ease, and let us foot the bill.

Start Building

Add receipt scanning to your product in minutes.